Friday, September 28, 2007

Weekly Update -- 23 - 29 September 2007

Yea, I'm 37 weeks old!

Masinja had his follow-up appointment for his hydrocele/hernia surgery, and the doc said he looks fine. He also said we don't have to bring Masinja back for anymore followups unless they're needed.

Also, Masinja was weighed and measured this week: 25 inches and 14lb, 14.5oz. He's getting so big, that it's getting hard to believe he was only 12.5 inches and 1lb 9oz when he was born.

Finally, here are some pics:


That's all for now.


Weekly Update -- 16 - 22 September 2007

Yea, I'm 36 weeks old!

Masinja had redness in his eyes this week, so we took him to the pediatrician. She said he most likely has some allergies, but couldn't prescribe an anti-histamine, because it would react badly with his phenobarbital. We've been keeping a close eye on him, and the redness seems to have cleared up, but we'll continue to monitor his progress.

PT went well this week. The doc was impressed with his progress and said we can cut back on his prescribed exercises.

Finally, here are some pics:


That's all for now.


Friday, September 14, 2007

Weekly Update -- 9 - 15 September 2007

Yea, I'm 35 weeks old!

Masinja had his 6-month vaccinations this week. The tech was very good and he didn't really scream that much. Hooray for talented immunizations techs!

Masinja's physical therapy has been going really well. The PT was very happy with his progress, and he's holding his head up a lot more on his own. He'll actually have a new PT next week as the old one is moving away.

Masinja also had his first official babysitting session this week. His surrogate mama from the NICU came over while T.M.M. and I attended an event. He was very excited to see her, and didn't even blink when we left.

Here's a couple of pics:


That's all for this week.


Weekly Update -- 2 - 8 September 2007

Yea, I'm 34 weeks old!

Masinja's hydrocele/hernia surgery went well on Tuesday. He stayed in the PICU overnight, and was released the following morning. He seemed like his old self shortly after the surgery, so we didn't have to give him a whole lot of meds to keep him happy.

Masinja also had a cool discovery this week: His FEET! I think he loves them more than his own parents at this point. :o)

Here's some pics from this week:

Hospital Gown

That's all for this week.


Monday, September 3, 2007

Weekly Update -- 26 August - 1 September 2007

I'm 33 weeks old today!

Masinja had a much more eventful week than he would have preferred. He had problems with his bowel movements, or rather a major lack there of for a whole week. T.M.M. tried giving him a suppository based on the doc's advice. After that didn't bring him any relief, we were concerned that he might have an obstruction so we took him to see the pediatric surgeon. The doc ordered an x-ray to see what was going on, but it came back inconclusive. He then ordered a contrast enema. Masinja was not very excited about that, but I can't imagine too many people would be. The doc said that not only would it give us a better understanding of what was going on, but it would act like "slickum" and help to give Masinja some relief. They didn't find an obstruction, he was just constipated because he was lacking fiber in his diet. The "slickum" effect certainly took place and Masinja has been feeling much better since.

Masinja is still scheduled for his hernia surgery next Tuesday. We'll update y'all next week.

That's all for now.


Weekly Update -- 19 - 25 August 2007

I'm 32 weeks old!

Masinja had a pretty calm week this week. He went to physical therapy on Tuesday. T.M.M. had to tell his therapist that while he was no longer leaning to the right, his neck had started to lean to the left. The therapist said that that sometimes happens but despite his little setback he is making progress.

Masinja also had to go and see the doc because he had a pretty nasty diaper rash. T.M.M. bought just about every diaper rash cream on the market but nothing seemed to touch it. The doc prescribed a better diaper rash cream and it did the trick. Now Masinja has a "shiny hiney"!

That's all for now.
