Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Weekly Update -- 22 - 28 July 2007

Yea, I'm 28 weeks old!

This week was fairly boring. Orginally his MRI/EEG was supposed to be in a couple months, but we actually got a call that it was scheduled for 1 Aug. We're supposed to go first thing in the morning and they'll do the tests as the equipment is available. There's no telling how long that day will last, as he's not allowed to eat anything after midnight the day before the tests.

There's not much else to report. He's sleeping well, eating well, and you know what well.

Here's a couple of pics from this week:


That's all for now.



toni said...

he is getting more and more handsome everytime i see him, hope all goes well with the testing!love you all.

Amy H. said...

What a cutie!! You guys are so blessed!

Beck said...

I love the pics. He does get cuter and cuter everyday, as I'm sure you well know. I hope testing went well and keep the updates coming!