Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Weekly Update -- 7 - 14 October 2007

Yea, I'm 39 weeks old!

Masinja went to the neurosurgeon this week. The doc said he looked fine, but wanted to get another CAT scan in December to make sure everything still looks ok.

We had another first this week: Squash! He had the look of fun on that first bite, but he settled in after he realized it tasted better than the formula he's been eating.

Finally, Masinja attempted more disguise training. He fell asleep with the burp cloth in his hands and woke up with it on his head. Don't ask me how he did it, because I was so in awe that I had to take pictures. At least he improved on his camoflauge fiasco from last week.

Here's a couple of pics:


That's all for this week.



toni said...

how cute are those pictures.well i'm glad to hear all is well and i hope his testing in december also comes back with good news. he looks great! and he growing so much. i can't wait to meet him and see you guys. love and miss you all

toni said...

hey still waiting for an update your slacking. your ninja skills are definitly week. i don't care if mason only smiled this week i want an update