Sunday, August 31, 2008

Weekly Update -- 25 - 31 August 2008

Yay, I'm 86 weeks old today!

Here's a video of Masinja doing his 'thing'! He's gotten so vocal lately, that we're having trouble getting into the conversation. Of course, he wouldn't talk that much for this video. That is, until after we shut off the camera, and he talked non-stop for 20 minutes...


That's all for this week.



toni said...

yay he is walking! he is just to cute. he is such a good dancer,lol... i watched the video like five times and i laughed the whole time he is to funny. i'm glad everything is good. love you guys

Tammy Coleman said...

Oh my gosh-I miss him sooooo much
He is doing so well (but I knew he
would - he had great nurse - HA)
Teach him to say I MISS TAMMY!!!!!
I bet you cant keep up with him
now - miss u all!!!
Tammy (AKA- Mason's #2 mommy)

Kate said...

Love to see that he is walking AND talking at the same time! :)

You might have the cutest little boy ever!

Beck said...

OH MY!!!! He's scooting right along! I love the video and his "dancing" is priceless!!! Brenna loved watching him!! He is SO stinking cute! I need to sueeze him!