Monday, September 15, 2008

Weekly Update -- 8 - 14 September 2008

Yay, I'm 88 weeks old today!

Masinja has been pretty busy this week. He is now standing up all by himself like a pro. He doesn't like to sit still for very long at all, so he is constantly on the go.

Masinja also went to the doctor this week. He was having some tummy problems and was pulling on his ears quite a bit, so we took him in for a checkup. The PA and pediatrician noticed that his right eye was turning in quite a bit, so we decided that it was time to call the opthamologist. He had an appointment scheduled for November, but the last time we were there, the opthamologist said to bring him in sooner if we saw any changes. He has his appointment tomorrow so we'll give y'all an update in next week's post.

And as if this week wasn't busy enough, this next one will be even busier for Masinja. Aside from his eye appointment, he has an Early Childhood Intervention evaluation. The team will be coming to our house to evaluate him and determine whether or not he has any developmental delays. His pediatrician thinks that he may qualify for speech therapy, but we won't know the results of the evaluation until early next month. We'll be sure to let you know the results as soon as we do.

Last, but not least, we video taped Masinja at bath time.

That's all for now.



toni said...

hey guys! loved the video.. he is to cute. i hope all goes well with all of his appts. mason is so cute i want to squeeze him. well hope all is well.can't wait for the next update and you all.

Beck said...

I LOVE IT!!! Brenna got a huge kick out of him scootin in the tub! He's SO cute!