Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekly Update -- 13 - 19 October 2008

Yay, I'm 93 weeks old today!

Masinja had his second ECI session this week. His teacher was pleased with the progress that he made in the week since she last saw him. His vocabulary has increased a bit and he is now saying about a dozen words or so. In addition to Mama, Daddy, doggie, boogie, hockey and bake-a-ba, Masinja is now saying ball, block, huggie, kitty, and blue. It has taken us quite a while but we finally figured out that bake-a-ba actually means peek-a-boo :O)

Masinja had PT this week and his physical therapist decided that he is ready to be discharged. We go back next month for her to administer the Peabody test once more so that we can see how much progress he has made since January.

We found out this week that Masinja will not be getting the synagis shot again this year. This is a shot that protects against RSV. After much wrangling with his primary care manager (PCM); I went to the patient advocate to get the situation resolved. I spoke with the synagis program manager from the clinic and the patient advocate, and still didn't get a good answer, other than Masinja didn't meet the manufacturer's "criteria". I put in a letter to get his PCM changed to a civilian doctor off base, so we'll see where this takes us.

This is a video of Masinja being his goofy self.

That's all for now.


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