Friday, November 28, 2008

Weekly Update -- 24 - 30 November 2008

Yay, I'm 99 weeks old today!

Masinja celebrated his second Thanksgiving this week. Last year he wasn't able to eat Thanksgiving dinner because he had just started eating baby food about a month before and he didn't have any teeth! Well, he wasn't very interested in eating Thanksgiving dinner this year either. He ate one piece of turkey, a few pieces of sweet potato, and a bite of cranberry sauce, but he threw his mashed potatos and stuffing on the floor. He ate almost an entire roll all by himself though. I had to hide the remainder of his Thanksgiving dinner in yogurt just to get him to eat it. This is the norm most days though. He absolutely loves yogurt. When I take the container out of the refrigerator he says "woogar" over and over again :O)

Who You Calling a Turkey PJ's Pic

That's all for now.


1 comment:

Kate said...

Hope you guys are all doing great and that you are all ready for the holidays!