Sunday, October 5, 2008

Weekly Update -- 15 - 21 September 2008

Yay, I'm 89 weeks old today!

Masinja had a pretty busy week. Monday he went back to the opthamologist. His lazy eye is acting up so he needs to wear glasses again. His far sightedness has actually improved since April though, so that's positive. His glasses should be in sometime next week so we will post some pics soon.

On Tuesday Masinja had his Early Childhood Intervention Evaluation. It went pretty well. He did a few things for the evaluators that he doesn't normally do for T.M. and I but that's typical. He is always doing things for his physical therapist that he doesn't do for us at home :O) We won't get the results until 1 October but we are pretty sure that he is going to qualify for services in the areas of fine motor skills and communication.

On Friday Masinja had PT. He showed off for his therapist as usual by walking all over the place and standing up without assistance numerous times. The one thing he is still having trouble with is crawling up and down stairs. He would rather walk which is not developmentally appropriate for his age. His therapist would really like to get him to crawl on his knees to go up the stairs and he prefers to crawl by placing his feet on the steps instead. Our biggest obstacle though is getting him to crawl down the stairs. He doesn't understand the concept that he is supposed to go backwards and would rather go head first! Since he is doing so well with walking and standing though, he is now only going to PT once a month.

We decided to post the other half of the bathtime video this week!

AfterBath time!

That's all for now.


1 comment:

toni said...

hey guys! mason is just to cute and to funny for words. i love the videos. he looks so handsome in his glasses. i hope all of his appts go well, and i cant wait for more videos and pictures. love you guys!