Saturday, February 14, 2009

Weekly Update -- 9 - 15 February 2009

Yay, I'm 110 weeks old today!

Masinja got to spend extra time with T.M. this week because he had to take leave for two weeks since I am still recooperating from sugery. We spent most of our time at home because the weather didn't really permit much else.

Masinja had his 9th ECI session this week. His teacher as well as the occupational therapist came and talked with us about our concerns concerning his speech. His teacher also shared a printout with us that showed Masinja's current development as well as the skills that an average child should be doing at his age. Next week Masinja's teacher will be bringing the speech therapist with her so we can further discuss our concerns about his speech.

Since we didn't have a whole lot to report for this week, T.M. and I decided to include another video of Masinja after bathtime. He loves it when I put lotion on his because it tickles. I'll let the video speak for itself :O)

Lotion Video

That's all for now.



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