Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weekly Update - 15 - 21 February 2010

Yay, I'm 163 weeks old today!

Masinja had an extremely eventful week! He had his first OT appointment on Tuesday. He saw a therapist who is very familiar with him. In fact, she was the therapist that he saw originally when he started having feeding issues. She did an evaluation to determine where he was developmentally and will give us the results next week. She had him try to do basic tasks such as putting a bead on a string, stacking blocks, drawing a line, cutting with scissors and putting small items into a container. We also discussed the Sensory Profile so she is going to take a look at it and give us some feedback on that next week as well.

Masinja did well in Speech again this week which was kind of surprising considering he went directly from his OT evaluation. We were afraid he would have some kind of melt down or something from being over-tired. He didn't miss a beat though. His therapist kicked it up a notch with the gross motor imitation by introducing a ball and trying to get Masinja to kick it. We have been working on this for a while now but all he seems to want to do is throw the ball. She also tried to get him to jump but he just couldn't quite grasp that concept. I'm sure these skills will come in time.

Masinja also had his 28th ECI session this week. There has been some turnover in the school system so some of the members of Masinja's ECI team have recently been changed. T.M. and I were able to meet the new Services Coordinator and OT. Both were very personable and we are especially looking forward to working with the OT. She seems to be more in tune with Masinja's needs and our concerns than his regular teacher. It seems like she is going to be a bit more hands on than the old OT as well.

Masinja's Aunt CC (Cindy) and Uncle Robert came for a visit this week. He hasn't seen them since July when we went to Shreveport for a visit. We all went to watch one of T.M.'s hockey games which is one of Masinja's favorite past times. We also went to the Train Museum but I think the highlight for everyone was ice skating. It was Masinja's first time as well as Cindy and Robert's. I can honestly say that a good time was had by all despite the fact that our legs were very tired afterwards! We had a great time spending time with the Funny Bunnies and I know they enjoyed spending time with Masinja as well.

Masinja Ice Skating

Aunt CC and Uncle Robert Ice Skating

That's all for now.


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